(Dedicated to the heroes out there battling cancer, especially children)
Dear child,
Hello there little one? I am writing to you today with immense pride and joy for though you don’t know, you have been my light. The war and the struggle you’ve been through have been my source of strength and determination. You have given not only me but also those who were closing their eyes another chance to breathe and look forward to life tomorrow. You manage to smile and play day in and day out despite the pills you have to swallow every other hour. You never let the cancer eating you away stop you from doing what every other can do and even what you like. Child, your light has shined to many, both the overtly and covertly affected, you have given us all a chance to smile and rejoice even when we think we are losing it. You don’t know how proud we feel when we see you chasing after butterflies in the sun, playing hide-and-seek with your people and even laughing at your childhood jokes. You are my hero, and always will be. Continue being the light to the many and believe for us where we can’t, bear with us when we fall for we are human beings, objects that need to be held up to find their footing every once in a while. Just know that you shall wake up tomorrow and the day after, that you will bask in the sun all day and catch grasshoppers when evening comes. I hope that you shall make us smile again even when sorrow and self-guilt engulfs our hearts. We may not be able to do much for you, but God always can. We hope and pray you live longer for deep down, I know heroes don’t die. When heroes are born in our eyes and hearts, we always hope they make it past all the obstacles of life so that they can make our tomorrow better. You have all been hatched in our hearts and souls. Show us the light and we shall follow, draw us the map to faith and freedom and we shall walk. Hold our hands and push us forward when we aren’t moving, for your courage surpasses boundaries. You are our heroes and children, heroes don’t die. Heroes don’t leave their people in want and need. They fight till all is right again. I know you will fight, I know you’ll live forever and thereafter. Heroes never die, they live.


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