Christianity today has to some extent lost its meaning today. We are living in a generation where religion is a source of employment rather than the train to carry people to better lives in heaven. We have become arm-chair Christians who just sit there and wait for God to come down and save us from the woes we face. We won’t condemn corruption and exploitation of the poor because it is what is feeding us. We depend on the little that poor man can give to buy the latest Range Rover and buy tickets or private planes to travel all over the world. We don’t know what bad is anymore because we look for flimsy excuses to substantiate the wrong we do. We go to church every Sunday or Saturday and ask God to have his way in us, but do we let him? We are supposed to be the custodians of truth but we choose to stick to the lies as long as it pays our bills and allow us to see tomorrow. The world has becomes the devil’s playground because those left to put a check on him are busy napping and campaigning for him. When Christ died, he left behind heroes whom he believed would help in making the world a better place by converting the unbelievers into believers. But which people will we bring to salvation yet we have already lost its original concept? Some of us have been reduced into religious paupers who sit in their rocking chairs, bible in hand and pray for corruption and all social evils to come to an end, and yet they call themselves warriors of the Lord. I am not trying to discredit prayers, but faith without action is dead. A hero does not sit there and wait for God to save them. They wake up, save themselves and those they care about. We have to review our beliefs as Christians and see where we went wrong and start all over again. It is better to sacrifice now and spare ourselves the wrath, than to keep believing in a path we don’t know and end up in death and destruction. It is time to revisit the bible and what it says and make our paths straight, find favour in His eyes once again. Let us admit that we are wrong and ask him to make us right again. It has always been us talking to him, let us now let him talk to us.


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