Shannon you broke my heart
Dear Shannon,
I don’t know whether to start with niceties. My heart is just too broken for that and so i’ll go straight to my lament. I met you about a year ago on that lonely hill tending after your father’s sheep. That is a day i ain’t going to forget anytime soon. I was seated by the slow river with my notebook in my hand, listening to love songs on my phone, half hoping that you would come to me. You did. It was bliss from then, romance brewed in Shakespeare’s pot, or was it? We had promised each other forever and deep in my heart, i knew that i wouldn’t have to search any longer for you were what i had been missing all my life. You told, rather taught me that everything i always wanted was just a dream away. Shannon, i can’t continue without affirming that you are the one who believed in me when the world cast me aside, called me crazy and termed my ambitions a lost cause. You lived my dreams and every once in a while prayed that i would come to achieve all i hoped for. I loved you with my all, you know i did. I stopped checking out all other ladies and made sure i sent you sweet kisses before going to bed. Shannon, i always wanted it to be forever but after today, i think i may reconsider all that. I just at the moment want to unsay all the sweet words i told you. I want to unwalk the path i had walked to meet you. I want to undream all the dreams of a romantic future with many children. It is a decision that breaks my heart but has to be carried through today. I’m pretty sure you won’t feel a thing since you found another Romeo but this you oughtta know, when i get out of your grasp and your reach, know that i am that tide that ebbs away and never come back. I am that wind that blows to the north and never finds its way south. I am that stone that rolls down the hill, never to make its way up again. This i don’t say with pain but with the utmost certainty that i’ll never walk into your life again. I am going to find a better purpose in life, a more fulfilling one. I want to promise you too that i won’t shed a tear for you. My momma taught me better.
I know that my armour is no longer that shiny to you, but to another out there, i shall still be her knight, her very dream. Thanks for everything and all the best.
                                                              Good bye and all the best


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