Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror,
The once wispy and athletic child,
The once fast and energetic bird,
He who ran around and looked after the herd,
Now has a potbelly stretching many a yard,
Look into the mirror fat child and be sad,
Be ashamed for you get fat on the poor’s funds,
Those who elected you now walk around barefoot,
Look at their children, dirty with faces full of soot,
They walk naked because their money you did loot,
Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror,
Look at your crocodile boots and tuxedo suit,
Look at the vines you’ve stripped bare, will they bear fruit?
Look at your vehicles and your very large house,
Your employers back in the village sharing their hut with many a mouse,
Look into the mirror and feel guilty,
Your table is ever full and meaty,
Theirs, well, it is a pity,
They have to eat their hope in the morning, after and night,
They have to believe, that you, fat child, to remember might,
For they elected you to become a knight,
But the hand that feedeth you, why bite?
Come next election, it’s going to be a sight,
When you shall come, promising to be their light,
Looking for a chance to make it right,
This time their fists shall be bunched tight,
For they won’t go down without a fight,
Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror,
Change your ways before they change their mind,
You need to know that lies always bind,
Look at the mirror and remember all behind,
The year is coming to a wind fat child,
Give back before they take it all by force,
Before all lost and stolen goes back to its source,
Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror,
Make a change fast for coming is a date,
And karma forgives not for it is fate,
Change it now before it’s too late,
And their hatred for you, fat child, shall not so soon abate


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