I may not be able to understand what really is troubling you because I am human. I may, from time to time judge you despite my imperfections because I am human. I may not be able to be there for you when you need me because I am human. Good news is, I know man who shall never judge you, who will be there whenever you call, who will love you despite all your weaknesses and shortcomings. His name’s Jesus Christ. Unlike human beings, he forgives unconditionally and renews his grace each and every day. He loves today, tomorrow and forever. He is able to change the notorious into the glorious and turn every wrong into right. He is the giver of peace and happiness. He is a man who died so we could have life, hurt so that we could be comforted and underwent ridicule so that we could be honoured. He can tell what is troubling you, he can never judge you for the wrong you committed and turns your imperfection into perfection. When you feel unworthy in front of everyone, to another, you are the best son he ever had. You don’t have to walk around downcast and forsaken. Look up to Calvary and see the man up on the cross unhappy so that you can be happy. Think of what that man would expect you to do and walk free


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