
Showing posts from January, 2016
LOOK INTO THE MIRROR FAT CHILD Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror, The once wispy and athletic child, The once fast and energetic bird, He who ran around and looked after the herd, Now has a potbelly stretching many a yard, Look into the mirror fat child and be sad, Be ashamed for you get fat on the poor’s funds, Those who elected you now walk around barefoot, Look at their children, dirty with faces full of soot, They walk naked because their money you did loot, Look into the mirror fat child, look into the mirror, Look at your crocodile boots and tuxedo suit, Look at the vines you’ve stripped bare, will they bear fruit? Look at your vehicles and your very large house, Your employers back in the village sharing their hut with many a mouse, Look into the mirror and feel guilty, Your table is ever full and meaty, Theirs, well, it is a pity, They have to eat their hope in the morning, after and night, They have to believe,
FORGIVE US MA, FORGIVE US Ma, you brought us up the way mothers do, With love, care and kindness too, Under your watchful eyes our bodies and minds grew, From when we suckled till we could chew, You carried us to school barefoot in the morning dew, For deep down you knew when time would be due, We would come home and sing to you, We grew up so fast and developed our own ways and conscience, We saw the city and forgot the village, We learnt to steal, kill and pillage, We got our own families and erased your image, Forgive us ma, forgive us, The pain and agony we’ve caused you knows no bound, Every morning with the pestle and mortar the grain you pound, Looking at the roads expecting your prodigal sons to come round, You return to the house in the evening without a sound, Give up not on us ma, For when the wind blows across the plains, Listen close and you shall hear our calls so faint, When from the hills come the rains, Come out and wait
DEATH, THOU HAST DIED. Death, you thought you’d always come down and steal us before we even know how to spell our names? You thought you would always come down and snatch that little child from her mother’s nursing breasts? You thought you would come and take away the smiles from the faces and replace it with sobs and pain? Death, thou hast died. The weapon you called cancer can now be controlled when detected early, HIV/AIDS no longer spells doom on its victim and child mortality rate is almost beyond zero. Death, give me your ear. We now know how to practice hygiene and keep Malaria at bay. We know how to eat healthy and exercise all the way to good health. Let us now see where you are going to ensnare us. You shall run all over the world looking for victims to devour but will run back home ashamed and heartbroken. You may instigate wars and have our soldiers and innocent children killed, but we shall always remain unbowed. You may cause accidents on our roads and air spaces
Christianity today has to some extent lost its meaning today. We are living in a generation where religion is a source of employment rather than the train to carry people to better lives in heaven. We have become arm-chair Christians who just sit there and wait for God to come down and save us from the woes we face. We won’t condemn corruption and exploitation of the poor because it is what is feeding us. We depend on the little that poor man can give to buy the latest Range Rover and buy tickets or private planes to travel all over the world. We don’t know what bad is anymore because we look for flimsy excuses to substantiate the wrong we do. We go to church every Sunday or Saturday and ask God to have his way in us, but do we let him? We are supposed to be the custodians of truth but we choose to stick to the lies as long as it pays our bills and allow us to see tomorrow. The world has becomes the devil’s playground because those left to put a check on him are busy napping and c
Let lightning strike me dead At a young age and the world right ahead of them, they chose not to pursue the little pleasures it had to offer, rather chose to die so that other would live to taste what they didn’t. That proud moment when they walked into the parade with full military regalia, ready to obey without question, ready to die so that others could live. They became selfless and walked into another country to ensure that they too had something to call theirs, something everyone desires, freedom. Let lightning strike me dead, if i don’t mourn the man in the grave for me. He was woken up by a hail of gunfire and explosives and instead of running into the bushes, walked straight to the battlefield and fought, filled with fear but puts others first. He came to fight for freedom, and that he knew was worth the bloodshed. He chose to die a man, under the hail of bullets others cower from. He chose to be dismembered by the explosives rather than run into the bushes and wait f