Its two years today since you walked out of this world and out of my life. I sit by the dying embers reminiscing the moments we had but specifically the last day we had together. I know you are happy back there and probably running in a field of orchids or swimming in a stream of strawberry juice. I’m just writing to let you know thought that you never died. To me it still is an illusion, a dream that I will wake from sometime. They have asked me countless times to let the dead go but the question, who said you were dead? I see you every night on a white horse beckoning me to join you but I always wake up just before I reach you and you gallop off into the horizon, I see you when I smell your favourite food cooking. I’d like to let you know that your ghost has never been exorcized from my heart and I have always lived in denial, refusing to believe that you are gone, hoping to wake up in the morning and find you there but when it comes, the bed is filled with emptiness. I have found it hard to say goodbye so i clutch to whatever it is that will keep us together. I’d like to ask you to send me a sign to show all those around here that you are always around, let whoever said you were dead look down in shame and regret. I want you so badly today, more than I’ve ever needed you. I’d like you to know that my heart dies a little everyday when I think of you. I don’t know if two years are enough to let me move on but I won’t be ashamed to tell you that I’m not yet over you. Rest in peace my love and know that I love you to bits and may join you soon, maybe when sense and sanity come flooding back. Godspeed my love, godspeed.


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