Hey there crush,
First of all, i’m not ashamed to say that it is I who needs you. My heart has been calling out unto you and i feel it skip anytime you pass by. You don’t know the courage i have mastered to write to you today and tell you what i feel. The rustle of your dress sends shivers down my spine and always weakens my knees. Well, to tell you the truth, my problem is with your current lover. Your face was flawless, now look at the bruises you sport? Look at the anguish and the shame he causes you when he calls you names in public and yet, you still stick by his side and laugh at his nasty jokes. I hope dear lady that you will come to your senses soon enough and see that some people here are willing to treat you like you should be treated if only you give them a chance.
There is one problem though, no matter how much i dream of you, i shall never be able to get you. You are like a film of smoke, there to be seen but not to be touched. You are like the sun, there to be felt but to keep distance from. You are from a totally different class and cadre, one that i can only hear about. Though they said love knows no boundaries, mine will always remain locked inside the great walls of my heart, never to come out. You have me in a prison, a prison of thoughts and disturbed conscience. I want to walk towards you but I am afraid. I am scared and my hands shiver whenever i see you. My words fail me when i want to greet you and I end up looking like a fool in front of you. My lady, when he finally lets you go, come home to he who is ready to die for you.


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