I’ve just seen a feature of two people, both of them being blind, but happen to be a couple so deeply in love with each other. Seventeen years of marriage, and with no kids I must add hasn’t changed a thing between them. What really attracted my attention though was not their blindness or their love life, it was their devotion to God. Despite the fact that they couldn’t see a thing, they didn’t blame anyone, they didn’t ask questions nor did they ever complain. They thanked God for creating them blind for it led them to one another and made them even stronger. They might have been blind, but they have seen the love and sustenance of the lord and have lived to tell the tale. One couldn’t help shedding tears as they watched them looking at each other unseeingly, their hearts speaking volumes that their eyes couldn’t. That got me thinking. We wake up each morning and realize that we can still see, we can talk, we can walk and above all, we are alive. But has that ever stopped us from bickering? Has it ever stopped us for blaming God for every little shortfalls and for creating us with crooked teeth, a slight limp, dark skin and even making us lack in basic needs? You curse God for letting you walk without shoes, what of those without feet? To  whom will they cry unto? It taught me a very great lesson on gratefulness and self appreciation. You may not have much but thank him for that little you have. You have only two pairs of shoes, some have none. You didn’t have enough to eat, some had none. Be thankful for every little you get every time you do. It was a lesson I wouldn’t ever get anywhere else.


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