Where art thou, beautiful yellow flower? I want to pluck you off your green succulent stem. I want to carry you into my room and put you in the coloured glass vase. Where art though? I want to take you away from the midnight dew and put you by the glowing camp fire so you be warm in the night. I want to walk with you in the lapel of my coat so everybody can marvel at your beauty and how good you look on me. Where at though? Do you have a scent? Shall I follow the bees or keep looking? Should I listen out for you in the evening wind? Where exactly are you? Oh I know. You want to keep your location a secret. You want to stay high up in the mountains where none would ever find you, you want to hang up in the tall tropical trees where we can see but never touch you. Everybody looks for you and you clearly don’t want to be found. Young schoolboys seek you to impress their little schoolgirls, old people want to crush you in the pestle and mortar for medicinal purposes and some seek you to give a special send-off to those who left. I am here for none of that. I am here seeking you so that we can have a forever with you. I am here seeking you so that I can wake up in your glory in the morning and let your yellow pollen breeze into my dreams in the night. Where art thou, beautiful yellow flower? You that many seek and few find? You from where the bees from heaven gather their nectar? Come to me, oh beautiful yellow flower, in a dream. Let your yellow petals light the dark fringes of my nightmares and daydreams. Let your pollen form a soft ground where I can lay and think of my yearnings. Cover me in new buds so I can wake up with you when the sun rises later in the day. Just show me where you grow and yes, if it is the mountains, I shall climb them. If it is in the rivers I shall swim. I shan’t be afraid of the cold water or the heights. I shall risk the bears and the crocodiles. I shall risk the scorpions of the Sahara desert just to get to you oh beautiful yellow flower. So where art thou? Will you let me quench my thirst for you? Will you grant me this one Easter wish?


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