Papa, I have tried not to stray from the path you showed me. I have tried to walk with my head held high and my eyes etched into the future. I have not fought women nor have I relished the company of fools. I have kept off all gossips and instead focused on the wisdom of the old, so tell me papa, have I been a good son? Papa, I tilled the farm for mama when the planting season came, weeded when the weeding season came and chased away the weavers when the harvesting season arrived. I have built her granaries and helped her heifers calve. I bought her long pieces of cloth when I went to the city and a handful of shiny bangles. I bought my little sister Dada a doll to play with and a small flute to play when she missed you. I went to the river when mama was sick and bathed and dressed Dada when she was feeling tired. I tell her a story late in the night till she falls asleep then stay with mama till her eyelids become heavy.
I go to school too papa. I am the oldest and tower above all others but it is worth everything, it is the path I have to walk. I have to make you proud of me. I want the women to be greeting me with respect when I pass, the elders to call upon me for advice and the little kids to look up to me. I take Dada with me and she can now say her alphabets on her own, so tell me papa, have I been a good son? Are you proud of me?
The moon is disappearing again papa and I have to stop writing since I won’t see anymore. I promise you though, that once the milk clients bring in their handful of dues, I shall buy us a lamp so bright it would never go out, then I shall be able to write to you till morning. But then papa, have I been a good son? Tell me when the moon comes again, or maybe when I am fast asleep. Either way, i shall always hear you.


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