What is your definition of forever? What comes to your head when you speak of that term? You said you wanted to be beside me forever. You said I was the best any girl can ever get and I believed it. You made me create a wall that others would never climb for i believed i had all i ever wanted. I closed my heart to all those who yearned to hold my hand and kiss my cheek. We told each other all our little secrets and the yearnings of our hearts, how they did beat for each other. Remember the day we made wishes in the night when the meteor shot across the sky? Mine was for a forever with you and yeah, you answered with a smile, your eyes glistening in the moon. What happened to forever? What happened to the vows we swore to exchange at the altar? What happened to this love that was just gaining roots? Did the sun scorch it too hard? Did the soil become too tough that it chocked its roots?
What we thought was a strong wall was in reality a bed of smoke and lies. How blind was i to see that the smile on your face was one of pity and not happiness? How deaf was i not to hear the empty echo at the end of every sentence you spoke? Just how did i fail to notice the dark rings of malice deep in your eyes when you spoke pretty? I guess i was too shy to look deep into them, too intoxicated by the prospects of forever that i forgot we had a today to live. I don’t want to say i regret the moments we had, ever. The lies gave me comfort and the falsehood formed the framework from where my dreams spawned and grew. Your half-truths helped me peg my hope on tomorrow and the day after for i loved you, i always did. I just regret the fact that i was too lost in your eyes to realize the vines we were swinging from weren’t really vines but a brood of vipers in their aestivation state. To think that we were now reaching for the skies yet we hadn’t even seen the clouds. Though our forever went down in ashes, i promise i shall scatter them in the oceans of the world, maybe scatter them to the four winds but still, thank you for making me know forever and what it has in store for us. Seems like the path just got lonelier but still, the sun won’t hang in the air because you left. I shall walk with or along it so that we shall all drop into the horizon together. As long as the orange hue is visible on the other side, i shall always believe in forever with all its pains and joy. I shall keep walking till i get to it, or it comes to me, either way, forever has to be reached to.


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