Look at you there, pink and welcoming, shouting to all those laden with burdens to come and set them at your feet, but to speak the truth, do you unburden them or do you make their yokes heavier? You promise them heaven and eternal joy but what about when everything comes crashing down? Do they still feel your allure of greatness? What happens to their smiles and their stupid grins? Love, thou art deceptive. Why don’t you tell us about the hills and the valleys that we have to travel through? Why don’t you tell us that tears are what oil the path to ultimate satisfaction? Love, it is thou I fear most. You make gentlemen cry and ladies mourn. You make old women leave their old men and the young boys fight over you. Look love, the fear is that we’ll fall into your trap tomorrow, choosing to forget the path you took us last time. Why is it, if i might ask that you burden us with the yoke of care and concern? Why do we have to be moody and sad, happy and glad at the same time? Why do we always want to hear that single voice anytime of the day, and again, why do you desert us when things are sweetest? Love, it is thee I fear most, for you have a heart and mind of your own. You go south when we all walk north, you dance when everybody wants you to be still and yeah, you leave when you feel, just when they need you there. I’ve seen friends crying themselves to sleep every night and waking up with heavy eyes in the morning. Why is it that the scale mostly tips to the sad part when we think of you? Why is it that we have to feel so empty when you leave us, like orphans rejected by the society? You are like a flood, a hurricane. You sweep away all we have inside us and leave us empty, and shaking in your after-effect. I don’t know what to tell you for indeed love, it is thou i fear most. For today you are a small match flame, tomorrow a roaring furnace and then puff! You go off like a candle in the wind. I fear, my heart fears because i can’t explain you. I fear because i can’t predict your path or even guess where you shall bolt off and leave our midst. I fear you because the best i can do is pray the fabrics hold on and don’t expose our nakedness. To hope the rain doesn’t come in too hard and wash away the young plants of adoration outside our house. Love, it is thou i fear most, for you hurt, maim and break when we think you are here to heal. Honestly, i fear falling into you again, for i don’t know if i will land with a thud, or if you’ll hold me the last second just before i meet the ground. I fear. It is though i fear most.


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