Dear best friend,
Everything was in place, every single plan. We were to go today to meet my beloved parents, though not so beloved to her. My mama had warned me against her charms, telling me her smile was not of beauty but of spite, that her touch was not of love but of deception. I didn’t listen, for love had blinded my sight and her bliss hardened my heart. Well, everything crumbled last night. I couldn’t stand playing second fiddle any more, receiving the short end of the stick. Well, friend, i have to admit that it broke my heart, just watching her walk out with her bag in her hand. I have to admit that every nerve in my body was screaming at me, telling me to pull her back in and give her one huge kiss, but then, i had to let go. I watched friend, i watched till the yellow cab disappeared into the yellow sun, and it is then that i realized how lonely i had become. It is then that it dawned on me that i would miss her for quite a long time. But still, my mama was right. She knew her ways and her paths just by looking at her. Mama knew that she wasn’t good enough for me, that i held on to hope that she would become better with time but she wasn’t to. I know you are near there, so i want you to deliver this to my mama.
Tell her that her son was finally able to let go. Tell her that her son is heartbroken but free. Tell her he feels like an eagle soaring up in the sky, a swallow in the calm weather. Tell her that his shackles fell off and he no longer is the slave of love. But please, when you meet my mama, don’t tell her that her son cried last night. Don’t let her worry or even think low of me. Let her think of me as her hero, one who knows what bad and good is. Let her praise me among the women and hail me as a hero among the men. Please don’t tell her that her son cried last night.


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