I am pretty sure you left with a smile wide on your face, feeling like a hero deep down, believing you have finally brought down the huge tower. You sang and danced songs of triumph that you have finally shattered my heart into a million pieces. Well, are you sure? Are you sure i am out here crying myself to sleep? Are you sure i am not eating, drinking or moving on with my life? Well, i got news. My heart here refuses to break, my eyes refuse to tear and my waist refuses to bow. You thought your actions today would tame my horse? It doesn’t matter how much you cheated or played my heart. It doesn’t matter how many times you pledged your love and your care, it doesn’t matter how much i fell for your trick. All i’d like you to know is that my heart refuses to break. Though you walked out of my door and my life, though i loved you to heaven and back, my heart refuses to break. I’ll not give you the pleasure of seeing me crying or even disturbed. I won’t show you how weak and broken you have left me. I won’t let you gloat over your victory on me. I want you to hide in shame when you see me pass. I want jealousy to break you apart when you see me with someone new tomorrow. I want to show you all you did has not even in the least affected me. I want to show you that my heart refuses to break and never will.


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