They have always assured us our governments are pregnant with hope, hope to deliver Africa from the clutches of poverty and post-colonial oppression. We have been led into the wilderness by individuals whose faces we’ve never seen. We have seen many self-proclaimed Moseses who have promised us milk and honey, milk without cows, honey without bees and like some brainless zombies, we have believed their lies like any good student does. We claim we are learning but how many years should we spend in school to know that we are going to the dogs? At this rate, we would graduate when everything is lost and everybody is too dead to come to our graduation ceremonies. Yes i agree we are a pregnant nation, but the last time the midwife checked, there was no foetus. It was a phantom pregnancy. Don’t await a bundle of joy for you’ll be disappointed. There is no bundle, there is no joy. Let them not lie to us, We are on our own


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