You did let us off the hook many years ago,
But still, the chains weigh heavily on us,
Chains of sin,
Chains of guilt,
Just look at what i’ve been,
The sword’s in me up to the hilt,
I know you may not know what i mean,
But the young seedling of freedom did wilt,
Its roots got chocked by waste from the industries you made,
Its life snuffed by the foundations of hatred you laid,
So when on the airport runways goodbye you bade,
You knew deep down, you knew,
That in the morning before even rose the dew,
Good life shall only be for the chosen few,
The rest,
The rest shall know life with a bitter taste,
We thought your going would always set us free,
But look at the chains master,
The yoke on our necks have now become heavier,
Those you left to look over us the next day got lazier,
We are now more enslaved like never before,
Our brothers have become our stranglers,
The children your education bore,
Lack of opportunities have made them burglars,
Those with muscles stretching from here to yore,
They beat the crap out of the poor and the strugglers,
Look at the chains master,
Have mercy on us and come back faster,
For even that good man, the pastor,
Has laid down his faith, smoked weed and become a rasta,
Hope back here is now an illusion,
A prayer that we’ll make it through the confusion,
And that your arrival shall be a cushion,
For now,
The chains have been made heavier and stronger,
And the strokes,
Oh the strokes,
We can’t stand them any longer,
Look at the chains master,
And have mercy on us again


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