A letter to a disappointing son
Dear Tim,
It is your father here. My time is running out faster and faster. I dreamt I was falling into a deep pit yesterday with no one to break my fall. I drop down son, but as usual I never reached the bottom. I know the dream shall continue from where it left off tomorrow and soon, the ground shall be seen and I shall fall with a soft thud, one that nobody will ever notice. I‘ve tried my best to give you the path of life but you chose to take that of death. You disregarded my wisdom and decided to live at the mercy of your adolescent myopia. I wouldn’t like to revisit the bad moments we’ve had when we were together but rather hinge onto those that made me smile, to at least give me hope that I have left behind a good seed. You said I was too possessive and didn’t want to let you go so you let yourself go. You said I was too old to keep up with the trends so you set yours and left. You spoke ill of my falling teeth and furiously growing baldness, of how a poor parent I’ve been. In your anger, you never stopped to ask where I sourced the money to take you through school, who slept on an empty stomach so you would have a full belly, who slept with one blanket to make you warm enough and healthy. Son, I just want you to know that I forgive you everything, I set you free from all I held against you. You didn’t live like I expected but I open my mouth to bless instead of cursing. The end is nigh, so close i can touch it. I just want you to know that I love you despite all and so son, if I die today, promise me you will become a man. Promise me. Goodbye for now
                                                             Your papa


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