I stayed silent and hoped things would change soon but they haven’t. We are a people who are made of black and are proud of it. We have tried to unite and become one since we share a common origin, Africa. We have tried to fight outside forces and remain true to ourselves, but i ain’t going to lie, we are our own enemies. I am for black unity, but why is it that black Americans are snobbish towards their African counterparts? Why is it that they consider the black people in Africa lesser than them? Is it that they are ashamed of their roots? Don’t they know it is the roots that give birth to the leaves? Numerous cases have been reported with people from Africa, mostly students on scholarship, saying they found it easier to associate with white folks than with fellow blacks. They tend to adopt the know-it-all attitude, been there, seen and done against their fellow coloureds. Will we ever achieve black unity if we segregate against ourselves? You may claim white is the enemy but remember, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. You can hate on us because iphones reach here three months late and our music is full of ‘dumb’ instruments. You can hate us because we can’t speak the lingo and don’t dress like fifty cent. Hate us because our music is so unlike drake or Kendrick but remember above all, we are what was left after you bounded off. We are here to show you where your seed was sown and your placenta buried. We are Africa, the ‘backward’ home you left behind. The difference between us is purely geographical for we still share the same blood and colour. Looking down upon a black brother from Africa is in a sense looking down upon your brother or father. It is time you came to know that the sun rises in Africa too. A house divided shall not stand. You need us, we need you. That is why they call us human


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