Look at me, mirror
The glass mirror, standing forlorn and unnoticed in the dark corners of the room, seer of all and sayer of little, a sharp house of secrets, a safe haven for broken souls and tearing eyes, look at me and lie. Tell me that someday I will conquer mountains and slay dragons. Tell me that someday I shall never cry for love or beg for acceptance. Look at my legs, mirror, and tell me that the manacles shall fall off someday. Tell me, mirror, that someday my star will shine and I will know darkness no more. I am lame, I know that. Before you I am just a disfigured wreck, a piece of wood in dire need of fixing, a loser with illusions of winning. Look at me, mirror, and tell me today does not matter, and yesterday does not count. Hug me I your glassy silence and tell me I won’t cry anymore. I am broken, and my smile echoes only sorrow and pain. You know me well mirror, ever single corner of my sparse frame. Find me, a lost soul. Look at me, and search deep inside. Find what I lost and what I never knew existed. Look at me mirror, an tell me that I will find life tomorrow.


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