If I birthed you today son, I would take you outside so you can see your first sun set. I would stand back and let you be anything you wanted in the world. If I birthed you today son, I would believe every stupid dream you have and trust every little hunch you experience. I would hold the ink-pot while you wrote the story of your life and wait outside your door when you have your moments of tears. I would hug you every day and kiss you every night. If I birthed you today son, I would stop my life just so yours gets a chance to move along. I would take the machete and slash grass off your path so you can walk better. I would hold the sky up so you could pass under the clouds and walk to your destiny. If I birthed you today son I would let you know of a million hungry paths you are yet to follow. I would let you know that even when you walk with your head in the clouds you have to remember that your feet are down on the ground. I would let you know that the truth sounds sweet in your head but happens to be a bitter pill when given to most of the people. I would let you know that everybody has a right to opinion, but not everybody’s opinion is right. If I birthed you today son I would let you know that the bags will seem heavy when you climb the mountains, how light though they shall feel when you descend. If I birthed you today son, I would believe in you even if the entire world quit on you. I would sing you in songs and write you in poetry. I would paint you with my brush and draw you with my pencil. I would push the sun away and make you the centre of my universe. I would play a song son, one that would never end so when time takes me away you will keep dancing on. I would be with you every step of the way, make memories with you, break walls with you and build bridges beside you. If I birthed you today son, then I would wipe tears off my eyes, knowing that a great father has just brought forth an even greater son.


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