Dreams of my father
Father, what did you say? What did you want me to do? You wanted to walk back but some paths were too far in the past, some stages so far skipped. I shall carry your dreams, the dreams of my father, and I shall tire not, till I see dust way behind me. Sit me down today, and tell me how far behind memory lane you would love to walk and we shall hold hands. I believe in you, and I believe in whatever it is you believe in. Tell me to take a flywhisk and woo the crowds and I shall do just that. Tell me how much you want to get to the past and I shall reach into the dark uncertainties and pluck it all for you. What is it you wanted to be? What is it you want me to be? Just tell me, whisper or shout and I shall be. Let the world know that I am the man, old enough to run with the torch and ignite a million fires. Let them know that I fear not scorpions or snakes, neither do I lions and leopards, till the end I shall run with the quest and up the mountain I will set down the dreams of my father.
Nobody no matter how strong and resolute will stop me from carrying them, the dreams of my father. The graves shall scare me not and darkness will never have a hold on me. I shall walk, I shall crawl, and I shall fly. They might be like a bag of wet sand, a bag of frozen ice, but they are the dreams of my father, and I shall carry them every place go. I shall not ask for help. Neither shall I demand pity, for his burden is my burden, and until the grave beckons, I shall carry with me the dreams of my father. It shall not bother me that everyone is watching. I shall cry, yes I shall shed tears when I finally reach the pinnacle and set the cross down and celebrate, for I know where he was never able to reach his son did. I shall swell with pride when I finally set them down, the dreams of my father and walk down the hill to his beaming smile, warmer than a cup of a freshly brewed coffee and home-baked bread. It is a lie papa, that it is ever too early for a young man to create a change. It is a myth, that a stammering tongue will stop a voice from being heard. I shall prove to them all, I shall show the unbelievers and the sceptics that it is worth dreaming every moment, and walking all the length. I shall prove to them that it is better to have the worst of nightmares than carry with you dreams never pursued.


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