Reach deep inside and save me, for today I truly fear. My heart dreads the dark and rues the loneliness. The wind outside is breaking branches and the storm is visible in the horizon rolling in fast and heavy. The sun is tucked away in the clouds, safe and alive but baby, my night is fast approaching. My hearth has never burned this low, my tears have never fallen this far. Save me before the last beat ebbs away, find me before the last warmth is lost to the impending winter. It is not my feel to be a poet and write in to you, or a singer to sear your heart with guilt and sorrow. I am blind, I cannot see, I am deaf, I cannot hear. Give me life, blow me a kiss to warm my heart and reignite the dormant embers of hope, rewrite this book, rewrite this chapter. Without you I am nothing but a bewildered cricket running towards a yellow lantern. I am nothing but a stupid fly wafting towards a spider’s web. If I had opened my eyes wider I would have known you were about to leave. I never promised to never go wrong, all I said was that would never break your heart. Put a spell on me again, oh witch of Eros. Fire away cupid, fire away again. I know I wanted you back then but now I know that I need you. I know that some time ago you were a figure in my dreams but today my heart has finally woken up. Save me today, before the night switches off my sky and my light of day packs and goes to sleep. Light up the fire before the snow freezes me to extinction. Blow me just one more kiss and I shall hold on to it till blood starts flowing and the heart starts to beat. Life should have taught me to love, but I was naive, I was weak, I was lost. I wanted to hold on but sweat made my hands slip and I fell. If only I was stronger... If only I knew... Save me again I ask, for loneliness is dragging me into its underfed tummy. Pull me out, before my legs disappear into its demanding insides. I’d give anything right now, to find life again, with you. I am dead, inside and outside, a carcase dressed in flesh, with laboured breath and a tired gait. Save me before I forget how soft your hands felt and how wet you lips felt. Save me before dew rises off the rose, before the morning scent dissolves into the sun. Find me, please, before I get lost in the maze, oh so huge and imposing maze.
Ah, I tire. Just let me sleep.


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