Look up there, up in the tree, among the leaves. Do you see her, the beautiful bird with an orange tail and matching crown? Look deep into the green, the tiny bird flapping her glorious wings and twittering her romantic song? See how gracefully she moves, see how properly she preens her armpits. Watch how she opens her beak to make her sound, oh and how her wiry legs move when she dances, prances from tree to tree?
Oh, look deep into the blue water, do you see that fish, that school of fish? The little fish moving among the corals, yes there, right where the sun stops and the blue of the moon begins. Beautiful, aren’t they? Watch how gracefully they swim, how bright their coats shine. Look at the bigger one, she must be the queen, the mother of the pack, the giver of all life and vibrancy. She must be queen, ruler of the ocean, the aristocrat of the vast blue, the owner of insurmountable wisdom.
Oh look up at those plains, yes, the ones right in front of the twin mountains. What do you think of the rising dust? Yes, the red dust in the distance, swirling around the unbothered kangaroos and past the rushing gazelles. How beautiful the view, how pretty the background, the patient mountain with a cap of honour and the humble plain prostate at its feet. How majestic the look that fills me with pride and joy, how proud she stands untouched, unchanged by time and season. Breathtaking isn’t she? A true picture of unadulterated beauty isn’t she? Well, wait till you meet her, the queen of the world, the ruler of the universe, epitome of unbridled beauty, she that holds all in her hand and lets it trickle in her fingers.
She stands taller than the mountains and dances better than the birds. She is more graceful than the gazelle and better than the blue oceans. She has a smile like that of pearls at the bottom of the river and the laughter that caresses the back of your neck. Look at her and you will forget the mountains. Think of her and you will not remember the bird. Dream of her and you shall not remember the fish of many colours. She that loves me is the prettiest and the sweetest. She that I love is the true picture of beauty, the true portrait of sweet memories, the magical paragraph of midnight, moonlit dreams. She that I love rules the mountains and owns the waters. She has conquered my heart, and thus she has conquered all.


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