Break-up note

You pretty much know I gave everything. Now, I’ll take it from here. Walk and don’t you dare look back. I am tired of yesterdays and groping in the dark for memories overshadowed by pain and emotional anguish, heartbreaks and bad dreams. I don’t have anything more to give so it is time I start taking back.
The bumblebee, it doesn’t bring honey when you expect a heartbreak, it stings. It no longer is that beautiful insect that hums, it is that beast that bites. The past becomes your worst enemy and you try to embrace the future only to find it is not there. That is a pain I would never wish even my worst enemies. But what happens to apples when they go stale? What happens to roses when they wither? They find their way to the trash can. Nobody remembers their sweet smell or kingly taste. They all block their noses and without any regret throw away the yellowing leaves.
I am tired of you holding my hand when darkness rolls in and letting go when the sun is up. I am tired of being in love alone, healing your heart while mine is decayed and falling apart. I am tired of crying every night when thinking of you and you embarrassing me when with friends only to apologize later when we are alone. What is love if it hurts? What is love if I can’t even for a day bask in its glory? What is love if I give all to get nothing?
What is love if the world is never allowed to know it exists? Love is supposed to heal, your breaks apart, love is supposed to build confidence, yours dumps worry and fear at my doorstep. This is burial without a eulogy, for deep down my heart refuses to cry. It is a goodbye without the fair because my soul refuses to remember you. Walk out and go, forget me. Do not call or text. Do not ask us to start over again because you have taken away every ounce of strength I had and exhausted every hope I ever had in us.
What is love if you can’t see what I have given up for you?
I just want you to know that the sun will not fail to rise because you have walked out, and when it comes I will not shy away from it. I shall face it with new eyes and new convictions, and again I will learn to believe.
So go and don’t look back, run so you can catch up with the train of the future, because it has just left the station. In the meantime I will collect the pieces and piece them together to make a whole new me. Maybe time will be the best healer. Maybe I will just hang around and wait, maybe I will go the other way and dig into the dusts of the past for the life and time I threw away.


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