You party-goer

You party-goer,
You told me you would change when we set the ball rolling,
You said you would quit when responsibilities came calling,
What happened to the vow?
You still leave me wondering how,
To your friends’ will you always bow,
And to ours, well, unless it favours thou,
You party-goer,
Go ahead,
Rub your bony behind on every groin you see,
Roll every joint till high you be,
But remember,
He who goes up must come down,
History does not lie,
A prostitute is one even when she wears a white gown,
So now woman of the town,
Smoke every bit of tobacco you find on the street,
And walk naked like an ass on heat,
Let the people have their tongues drip,
And think of your volumes till they sleep,
Time will tell, it always does,
And it doesn’t know the party animal or the nerdy lass,
You party-goer,
Your age-mates spend their nights in their houses,
And you, like a lion spend your night in the drinking den,
I am not willing to wait,
Until the green grass turns ashy,
I am not willing to wait,
Until the dust of the dance floor clears,
Time waiteth for no man,
And I am no exception,
Wake up in the morning,
And I will have walked away,
For I can’t live in a house that has no roof,
Blown away by your wild escapades,
I can’t travel in a vehicle without a sense of direction,
When age catches up with you,
And all the things you cease to do,
Reality will be laughing at your face,
Friends will be nothing but the bottles you invested in,
The groins you ground will be manufacturing their second baby,
And you will see,
When they formed peer groups you formed beer groups,
You party-goer,
Drink all your fortunes,
And poverty will become your best friend,
Trouble is not a guest you invite to your hut,
For he doesn’t know when to leave,
Continue nesting them in,
But cry not when they fill you out and in,
Ignorance is bliss to those who don’t know what I mean,
But to you fully aware it is a sin,
So you party-goer,
Revel in your world of sin and noisy din,
But when age catches up and you try to see where you would have been,
Blame none but the wind,
For it brought you the sound of music from far off,
And your legs,
Because they chased you to where morals rescind,
And when you wake,
And look for a man, just for your child’s sake,
Me and my lady will be by the lake,
Enjoying the time we did not lose,
Maybe reading a book or feeding the goose,
And when you prepare the noose,
Make sure you tie it loose,
So you can see what you are leaving,
And maybe think of making a living,
So you can make things right for your daughter,
And teach her how to grind grain with a pestle and the mortar,
To become a woman, not a woo-man,
And achieve what you never did when you would have,
So she can never regret like the party-goer does,
For time is like grain of sand,
It will never be found once it joins the whirlwind


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