To my brothers there

I know I have no business talking about this because I barely know. I know I have every reason to keep away from all this because it is not my war, it is not my struggle and should not be much of my concern
Trust me, I know how wars are created. I know how the farms of hatred are cultivated. The road you are going down is a hilly one and you are at the valley so it seems like the best decision. Violence may seem like the way at the moment but you should know it never fixes anything. It turns a rash into an ulcer and grows a cancer that responds to neither radiotherapy nor hours of prayers. The road you are headed is one you will never be able to turn back from. You are alienating yourselves from your brothers and sisters and in the process losing even the minimal connection you had. The movement is slowly losing its purpose and its drive, has become more of a supremacy battle between the whites and the blacks in the states. Black lives matter, but so do Hispanic, Indian, Arab and Caucasian.
You will wake up one morning only to realize a just cause that turned greedy has robbed you of your past, present and even the future. Mistakes happen, people die and yes somebody has to talk, somebody has to smoke out the rat, but do you smoke it out by burning the entire house? Should the children be punished for being born out of wedlock? I have watched in the news, white people, men and women alike being roughed up alongside all of you, my people. Is this what they get for fighting for you? Is that what you do to a hand trying to feed you? Violence is like a piece of wood. It makes fire hotter and more dangerous, not putting it off. You have walked long enough for what you have, don’t let it all go up in smoke. Don’t get so drunk in your wants that you don’t see your needs.
With this path you will trample on any opportunity your children have of the future because the field is full of the landmines of hatred and prejudice. Martin Luther said, Darkness can never drive out darkness, only light can do that, hate can never drive out hate, only love can do that. What happened to his philosophy? You are a nation whose democracy has been the envy of many. We have been taught since we were kids, Americans never fight, they always have an amicable way of solving their issues. Where is that amicable way? Developing nations want to be like you someday, show us what we should become. I have enough conviction in me that the tide will change before things turn ugly. I have this faith that people will find their purpose and the true way of solving their issues other than racist rants and whims of youthful myopia. I hope that things will go back to what they are, respect for all races and equality. But you ought to know, respect is not taken, it is earned. Show me why and I will always respect you. It is okay to match and cry out for your rights, but can it be done without bridges being burnt? You have the support of the people, don’t let their faith fizzle out, for human patience is not beyond stretching point, and it is very thin. Right now it is white against blacks, not a protest against some policemen killing young black men. Don’t be so blind that you are not seeing where the nation is headed.


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