
Showing posts from July, 2016
When blossoms wither I have seen many times and experienced it myself, how worlds collapse inside when you wake up one morning to the cold reality that things are not anymore. What you thought was a goodnight wish happens to be the goodbye message. The day you dreaded has finally pounced on you and there is nowhere to run. For many it starts the unending circle of rebound relationship, for others it is floods of tears and others go to celebrate the baggage lifted from their shoulders. Some people, a minority give up on love, contemplate going up the hills of Myanmar to become monks.   Don’t let yourself drown, the pool of sorrow is for the destitute and the undesired. You who have a chance would better swim. As long as you’ve got life in you, then a there is a huge chance you will love again. A child hurt would never drag its knees down on the concrete because they are already hurt. It will find a first-aid kit and tend to the wound, because he will need that leg to walk again
You party-goer You party-goer, You told me you would change when we set the ball rolling, You said you would quit when responsibilities came calling, What happened to the vow? You still leave me wondering how, To your friends’ will you always bow, And to ours, well, unless it favours thou, You party-goer, Go ahead, Rub your bony behind on every groin you see, Roll every joint till high you be, But remember, He who goes up must come down, History does not lie, A prostitute is one even when she wears a white gown, So now woman of the town, Smoke every bit of tobacco you find on the street, And walk naked like an ass on heat, Let the people have their tongues drip, And think of your volumes till they sleep, Time will tell, it always does, And it doesn’t know the party animal or the nerdy lass, You party-goer, Your age-mates spend their nights in their houses, And you, like a lion spend your night in the drinking den, I am not will
Lust not, son I was looking out the window and across the street and I saw you, son. Your eyes were staring hard at the folks on the other side. When you see the big rides rolling down the street, with women bigger than big with lips redder than red, lust not son. Turn not your eyes to the little children dressed in boots higher than high with headphones larger than large. Salivate not when they bog down giant tubs of ice-cream, wish not for their large toys and their purring motorbikes. Stare not when they get into their houses, bother not with what they eat and what they don’t. You do not know what happens when the car is packed into the garage and the huge mahogany doors are closed behind the big woman and her big man. Lust not son, at the big woman’s dark glasses, for behind them are eyes puffed by the meaty fists of the big man. Their children have everything to eat but still hunger for a sense of belonging. They crave independence from self-colonization. They have a bi
All this time I have been alone for a long time, because I could no longer believe in forever. I had tried solitude because love was a painful pill that never cured the disease but made it worse. I had made a vow that I would never chase after the world of soft petals and blue skies, because petals wither and dark nimbus wipe away the blue high above. All I want to do today is curse the day that the sun lit my pitch dark world. It was bliss, but all this time I never remembered that the sun does not last forever in the sky, but it rises in the morning and sets in the evening, doesn’t it? But mine didn’t rise in my backyard the next morning. I only saw it in my neighbour’s backyard. When we met, that day in the lawn, you told me your heart fell for me. You told me I was what you were seeking all along. Why didn’t you say earlier so we could become friends instead? Why didn’t you stop me before I got in too deep? Why didn’t you warn me before I let myself fall that fast? Why did
All this time I have been alone for a long time, because I could no longer believe in forever. I had tried solitude because love was a painful pill that never cured the disease but made it worse. I had made a vow that I would never chase after the world of soft petals and blue skies, because petals wither and dark nimbus wipe away the blue high above. All I want to do today is curse the day that the sun lit my pitch dark world. It was bliss, but all this time I never remembered that the sun does not last forever in the sky, but it rises in the morning and sets in the evening, doesn’t it? But mine didn’t rise in my backyard the next morning. I only saw it in my neighbour’s backyard. When we met, that day in the lawn, you told me your heart fell for me. You told me I was what you were seeking all along. Why didn’t you say earlier so we could become friends instead? Why didn’t you stop me before I got in too deep? Why didn’t you warn me before I let myself fall that fast? Why did