How many wars have we fought? How many bitter words have we exchanged? Some days we make each other so mad we don’t want to ever talk but when evening comes we choose to forget the bitter moments and remember the joy in what we have. Dreams are what can describe what is there between us. We are driven by our daydreams, of many children, a simple house, a simple car and a simple life. Hope, you said will take us till the end. The need to hold on when we feel like we should let go and the will to wake up and try again when we hit the ground is what will make us go stronger. Love, you said is not that which makes you smile every day of your life but that whose memories make you feel like crying and starting over again. You said impossibilities are just a big word and mountains just small hills when we believe. You told me it was not about hiding behind the cloak of the beautiful but being open about the ugly that succumbs us bit by bit.
It doesn’t need a boiler room and a whole bunch of chemicals to create chemistry between two people. It takes mutual understanding and the will to forgive unconditionally. It doesn’t take intense research and manuals on how to handle the significant other. It just calls for you to love enough and the rest shall flow in without a struggle. It calls for us not to seek perfection in the other but to discover how weak we are so as to find strength in that.
So let the sun shine on the green grass we own every day of our lives. Let the light that shines from within us set precedence to all those seeking love. Let us show them that true love can be found, not by seeking and looking but by creating it.

How many wars have we fought? How many bitter words have we exchanged? Some days we make each other so mad we don’t want to ever talk but when evening comes we choose to forget the bitter moments and remember the joy in what we have. Dreams are what can describe what is there between us. We are driven by our daydreams, of many children, a simple house, a simple car and a simple life. Hope, you said will take us till the end. The need to hold on when we feel like we should let go and the will to wake up and try again when we hit the ground is what will make us go stronger. Love, you said is not that which makes you smile every day of your life but that whose memories make you feel like crying and starting over again. You said impossibilities are just a big word and mountains just small hills when we believe. You told me it was not about hiding behind the cloak of the beautiful but being open about the ugly that succumbs us bit by bit.
It doesn’t need a boiler room and a whole bunch of chemicals to create chemistry between two people. It takes mutual understanding and the will to forgive unconditionally. It doesn’t take intense research and manuals on how to handle the significant other. It just calls for you to love enough and the rest shall flow in without a struggle. It calls for us not to seek perfection in the other but to discover how weak we are so as to find strength in that.
So let the sun shine on the green grass we own every day of our lives. Let the light that shines from within us set precedence to all those seeking love. Let us show them that true love can be found, not by seeking and looking but by creating it.


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