Let them not say
Who can stand today and make a claim against what I am about to say? Who can stand and proclaim that I am speaking from a tongue oiled in the sweet-smelling perfume of cheap lies? Everybody in the world with eyes has seen, those with ears have heard. Those living in the hills have been told and those deep in the valleys have heard the yarns spin to their satisfaction, so let them not say I was never there for you.
Wasn’t I the one who taught you to believe when you were giving up on love? Wasn’t I there to talk you into walking the path of pink hearts and red roses when you felt used and trodden down? I don’t regret a day, I don’t regret a moment. I don’t regret the many hours I had to hold you tight when your body racked with heavy sobs, and the countless songs I had to sing so you could learn to smile again. It took many hours of day, bruised faith and crippled trust but from the ashes of self pity rose a seed of purity and beauty unmatched. The spirit of resilience in you, the strength you mustered and the belief that tomorrow would be better made me stronger, not only for you but for myself. Let them not say you didn’t fight for the smile on your face and the pride in your heart, for I sure know getting back on your feet in itself is a victory.
So walk out of the house and wander onto the hills. Swim around the butterflies and chirp with the birds in the trees. Hum with the bees and coo with the doves. Let them see, let them know, let them feel. Let them marvel at you once more and envy your happiness and your new-found freedom. Take out your board and draw the hills kissing the clouds and the mosses floating in the blue meadows. Let them not say you have never known sadness and despair, for they have sure seen you lie on the ground and can see you fly in the air. Never let them say you gave up on yourself and I gave up on you, for as sure as daylight we have faced our demons different ways and turned them into angels the same way. Let them not say we don’t know what faith can do for that is what brought the best thing in my life, for what we have now is more than what we never ever had, our dreams have woken up so let’s hope they stay here a bit longer.


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