In the night of day

It always takes a dark night for the stars to shine brighter and a rainy day to see the rainbow in the horizon. The parable of the sun, you said it rose in the morning and set in the evening, but all through the day, it lights up the world of the poor and the rich. It is equivalently bright to the loving and the broken-hearted. It doesn’t discriminate between the shy and the daring. The sun, you said, goes down with satisfaction that it brightened the day, but did you think of the moon? Ever thought of that circle that gives life to the night? No you haven’t. Its power is always looked down upon but it is the very same one that pushes away the sun. The moon is ignored because when it shines everybody is dead asleep, but does that ever stop it? Does it ever quit? We always thought, nay hoped, that tomorrow will be just like yesterday and the day after. We all live hoping the sun will shine every day and we will never know the night. But remember, that joke that made you roll on the ground will be funny tomorrow though not as much, and after a week it will be as stale as old bread. You ought to know it will not be day every day. We will have to contend with the night every once in a while. You should know that sometimes the moon is an option you should settle for, guaranteed your night is not too dark. Just like a dark night has its stars, a dark patch has its lessons and they have to be learnt.
We both know it will not be roses every day. We will have to face the thorns at some point. We know we will not always be walking on level paths, we will have to flatten hills to make our ways a bit smoother. Even that sweet pie has to be prepared to be what it is, and gold has to go through the fire to be the beautiful piece it is at the moment. That is why we have beautiful love songs and those full of heartbreaks and unrequited affection. They knew, they always knew that things will not always be bright. We will have to be hurt and to hurt, to lose so we can find and to devalue so we can find value. But the question is, will we be able to hold on when the path turns too dark? Will we be able to hold on longer when the ride gets bumpy or we will bolt at the first sign of danger? No matter how far we run, we will never outrun nature and the way things have been created. Sometimes we have to appreciate the dark night, because it reminds us daybreak is just around the corner.


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