Do you know where?
Tell me, when you go roaming in your dreams and fantasies, have you ever seen it? Do you know where the sun shines everyday and the flowers bloom all year round? Do you know where fairytales come to life? Do you know where music never ends and the powerful breeze doesn’t cease? Tell me when you find it, so I can come with you. I am tired of being an inmate in a world that has refused to believe in the impossible, plastic songs and synthetic emotions. Do you know where life grows outside the front door, birds cry when you do and sing when you do? Ever been to the place where drawings come to life and the clouds never grey? A place where grass is ever green and the sun always shines? I want to yield to the power of the mighty waterfalls and the bubbles of the spring of dreams. Show me the door and I shall walk in with you and we shall live our wildest dream. Show me the way and I shall follow, the path twisted with the blue of the orchids and scented with the incense of roses. Tell me, do you know where dreams become real? I sure want to dream of you, just to remind me that I care, for she that I would never let go, and that will never give up on me.


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