Please tell her for me
The love of my life, she doesn’t know she is. The woman of my dreams, she doesn’t know she haunts my every waking hours. She walks by every time, oblivious of eyes behind big-rimmed spectacles watching from behind the big pillars in the school’s social hall. She swims in the sea of adoration, unaware that someone else is drowning a few miles away in his own pool of futile tears. She doesn’t know, when she walks by, her head in the clouds someone else is trying to sprout out of the rocks in the giant jungle of unrequited affection. Please tell her for me, tell her though I haven’t been able to tell her, every unreturned gaze and unseen wave breaks me up inside. Tell her for me, that every unreciprocated smile and unheard sigh tears, nay wrenches my heart out of its battered cage.
She is the reason I never want the dream to end every morning. But does she, will she ever know that I have written a million letters I’ve never been able to send? Will she know that I have written a hundred songs I have never been able to sing? Please tell her for me, that my ego is fragile. Tell her for me that I am afraid a ‘no’ will shatter me into a million and from that I may never ever recover. My fear stops me in my tracks and makes my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth. My fear, it dries words in my mouth and numbs the soles of my feet.
Tell her for me that every step I take to get ahead of her I find that I am already one behind. Please tell her for me that I shall keep lingering in the shadows till she turns her eyes towards me. I shall keep walking in the dark till she becomes my light, and I shall keep drowning till she saves me from the black of unconsciousness.


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