Will you?
How many times in life have you been broken? How many times have they kissed you, hugged you, held you and promised you the heavens? How many times have you woken up to an empty bed with a note of how sorry they are they wasted your time? Your trust, is it still salvageable? Are you ready to take into your heart another promise of eternity? Will you sit and listen to me speak my part as I seek a chance to be the one holding your hesitant hand?
I know they came to with songs and musical instruments but my voice is too hoarse so I cannot sing a sweet love ballad without turning it into a dirge. They wrote notes and threw them into your window but that I can’t because my handwriting is bad. My words, they are not as strong and tear evoking as theirs are but my hand, it is tighter than all of theirs. My hugs are longer than all others combined. My legs are willing to walk down the windings of the memory lanes and erase all the blotches growing by the wayside. I am willing to risk loving she whose heart of glass has been shattered, smashed to a million pieces. I am willing to kneel by the plant with the withering stems and gather it back to its damp hole. What difference, you might ask am I to bring into your life that the others haven’t? Well, I am not the type to die on you. I am not that man who wakes up one morning to realize his life is stuck in a muddy rut. I will be there when I am needed and will fade into the darkness when you need some time alone. I am the type that stays long after the sun has gone down and comes in early before it has risen. I am the type that loves as he should whoever he should and however he should. For you I’ll hold the sky in place and cup raindrops so you drink from my cup of love. For you, I will not die like a flower caught in strong winds, not like a tear shed in the hot deserts of the east.
Will the stubborn mare finally agree to be broken by the sweet coos of the robin? Will you let me into your door?


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