I know she’ll come

I know she will come that day, she will come in her long flowing dress, her chest standing in full splendour. She will be wearing her glass slippers and her hair will be flowing over her shoulders. She’ll try to mask her smile but it will burst through her perfect teeth and radiate the world. I know she’ll come by the midnight train, a brown suitcase in her hands. Her scent shall make head turns and men whistle but her eyes will be only for me. That day she will walk up to me and I shall fall on her shoulders and weep all the pain and longing away. She that will kiss my sorrow away and teach me to be happy will come when she does. She is the one that said it wasn’t goodbye, she said the wheel of life was moving and she had to chase it, just as I had. She told me when loneliness struck harder than ever before I should take her photo, kiss it and hug it tight. She told me when tears got too heavy and I couldn’t go to sleep I should pick the teddy she bought me and cuddle it for her. She told me to be a little kid for her every once in a while. She told me when I felt too much a longing I should unfold the mat of memories and think of her out there thinking of me and look forward to the day she comes. She told me she was not the wind to just breeze by and disappear into the oblivion. She was no cloud that would come only when it had to rain. She told me to believe for she was that small prayer on its way to God. She said she was the whisper of the pine, the whistle of the birds. She told me she was that rainbow out in the horizon, shining and looking out for me. I know she’ll come, she told me she would. So every day I shall stand on the little hill and look far into the green horizon, hoping to see her hair flapping in the wind, to see her coming in full colours of the rainbow. Every evening I shall stand at the train station and wait for she with flowing hair, a flowing dress and a perfect smile for I sure know she will come.


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