The power to choose

I sat down today and looked at my life and that of others in particular and I came to realize one thing, we are a blessed bunch. We have a wide array of gifts and abilities, some can sing, some can act, some can dance, some can write, others can do all that and more. I sat wondering why people can do whatever it is they do, why is it that not everybody can sing or act like others? I realized that all of us have been blessed in ways so unique we can’t understand sometimes. The gifts are synchronized in a way that they are supposed to bring harmony and the feel of uniqueness into the world. If everybody was an actor, there wouldn’t be anybody to watch their plays, if everybody was a writer, who would sit down to read their works? Gifts inculcate into a person a sense of self-worth and individuality, definitely the work of a beyond genius brain, not some work of evolution. Another and notably the most unique gift given to the human being is the ability to make choices. A person, according to the bible was given the power to choose between right and wrong on his own volition. A person who has fallen down will be the one to choose whether to stand up or continue lying in that state. A man facing an impending date with the auctioneers can either choose to seek alternative ways to make a difference or jump off a bridge, the power of choices. When God gave human beings this gift, he sure had in mind a way in which they would be used, in his worship. The power to make choices without coercion comes into play at this point and it is here that most people fail. Some great singers, actors, writer and many more have made the decision to use their gifts to spread vulgarity and blaspheme the one who has given it to them, to be honest, they have all the big cars, the fame all the attention but do they have happiness? It’s a NO for me. Their smiles are mostly plastic, there to give an illusion of happiness but deep inside they know they are hurting. We have not been perfect with the gifts we’ve had, but can’t we at least try to make a difference with them? I tip my hat to all those comedians and clowns who take time to go to the migrant camps and eke a smile out of those faces that have seen more than enough in their lifetimes. God gave us what he did just so we could spread hope, joy, faith and belief to the breaking hearts but along the way money coupled with greed became the winner. The choices are heavy, but the rewards for the right choices sure surpass anything the crowds, the limelight and the world can offer. Why should I gain the whole world and lose the kingdom? It is a hard choice, but isn’t that how tests are supposed to be?


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