Every morning when I look at the old monitor lying on my desk, look at at my matteress account full of loose change and see the shops a stone throw away, then it dawns on me that I am the only thing standing between me and good life. Nothing stops me from sitting down and typing and even submitting whatever it is I’ve worked upon. We in life find it easier to give excuses instead of really doing what it is we can. We tend to ask ourselves; “What if I can’t do it? What if I fail?” I one day took a short story I had written to a certain man who told me that it was a dumb piece. I remember coming out of his office dejected and heart broken. I didn’t even feel the pelting rain then. I walked a whole kilometer home, manuscript all wet and dripping in my hands. That night, I lay in by bed thinking and something dawned on me. He was right. It was a stupid manuscript. But that stupid manuscript was from my stupid head and not from anybody else’s. It dawned on me that what he had done was burying me, but little does he know that I was a seed. It gave me strength enough that I could conquer the hills if I wanted to, I would tread the Amazon if only I chose to. We most of the times too tend to give excuses to justify our failures and shortcomings. My old man has always told me, son when you have the chance, use it. Some of us looked for a computer to type our work but they were too expensive. We couldn’t even afford the foolscaps. We the young people in the society should change and desist form asking,”What if I fail and instead ask”What if I succeed?” it gives me the strength when I see the older people who have been there and have managed to do it. It gives me hope that no matter how much I fall, I can always stand up and walk again, that if my legs fail me, I’ll crawl all the way there if need be. I am nineteen now and in my second year at Egerton university taking an education degree in English and Literature. I have my dream intact and I’ve chosen to sacrifice enough and make a difference. The bottom line is, when you wake up each morning, do something that will make a difference in your life and that of the other. Strive hard to make today better than yesterday and know no limits. With such attitudes, we can conquer tomorrow and be the saviour of the whole world. If you’re an artiste, make art your second soul, if you are a musician, sing so much that you touch souls all over. We should strive to free ourselves from the chains of mediocrity and failure and make a difference in our lives and those of others. I still have my dream that I am taking care of not to abort it.


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