I met a seductress

One day when I was new to the city of Harlem and to the life of the night, I met her. A silhouette moved like painting coming to life from the walls and I saw her almost naked when she stood in the light. I met a seductress. She was ugly, but how sweet her ugliness was. She looked me up and down then batted her eyelids and my heart dropped into my knees. She breathed on my neck and whispered into my ears and oh, blood rushed down to my loins. This woman was a witch, and she had in her hands the souls of men, lost souls of lost men. She was the men’s best dream and their wives worst nightmare. She pulled me into her abode and I, oh the ram on heat slid in with her grasp. Her home was a mess, a resting place for overfed cockroaches and a buzzing ground for the over-indulged flies. The fire in my loins traveled to my toes and my hunger for her turned to distaste. This woman with a sweet tongue knows how to rid men of their money but cannot wipe germs off her plate. This seductress washed and oiled her lips but her heart, oh so full of uncultivated vines and poison ivy, snakes and scorpions. I met a seductress and her words like sweet oil anointed my veins and sent shock waves all through my nerves. She had in her the gift of gab and the power to convince, but then again, how many men does she call in every day? What to her constitutes a good day? How many marriages does she remorselessly break? This woman trips up men and sets off women. This woman with a sweet tongue chooses not the lame or the lepers. She neglects not the short or the tall. She calls them all in and gives them a taste at the honey pot. Who was she to be this disloyal? Who was she to play such games on people? But then again, who was I? Who was I to judge the woman I just met? We were both runners, for while she was chasing after my money, I was chasing after her legs. There she was fending for herself and cashing in on my greed, emptying my pockets while I salivated. She was the sinner in this case but I was the sin. She was doing wrong but I was the consequence. I met a seductress and she told me that fires can be quelled when firewood ran out but the cold would never leave, would always be waiting at the corners, and that when the light went out, the night would always walk in.


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