I am lost in a room full of mirrors, I don’t even know who the real me is. I can’t look for my eyes are blinded by the reflection. Tell me, mirror, what do you want me to see? Turn yourself away, for I know not the stranger pointing back. Shatter and fall. Cut me up in pieces and send me into the oblivion. When I look into you, who is it that I see? Who is that stranger crying silently and alone? What are those two lines encrusted below his eyes? Am I the one in tears or it is you giving me the illusion? Let me heave, turn your eyes away so my tears can fall, for I have held on long enough. Look away, you image, turn and face the wall and let me rend my heart broken and tear myself apart.  Show me my face. Let me see the wrinkles and the tear marks. Allow me to view my visage, with its craters and bruises. Go run, run image, run to where you came from. I want to see me, not the dark ghost trying to scare me, not a monster with eyes full of impunity and a heart full of darkness. I cannot see the me I want to see, I can only find the broken others, those that I broke with my Hubris. I see them all scattered on the ground, deeds I have done, the people I’ve broken, those that I have chocked and suffocated. Shatter not mirror, stand still and let me pay for my sins. Show me all of them, let them take the pitchforks and chase me home. Let them take their bonfires and burn me down. Show me mirror, let me stew in my sins, let them torture me. Let me know why I built walls when I should have built bridges. Let me know why I buried them when I should have planted them. Why have I fought a war when peace was a cleaner option? Take away the trophy I’ve won, and give me all what I’ve lost. Make me worthy, then someday I shall see myself in the mirror. Make me clean, then someday I shall not be afraid of he who points back, then maybe next time I shall not take the trophy, but pick all which is left behind.


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