You dreamer

Dreamer, what are you doing in bed yet the sun is already up in the sky? Are you still having your dreams, of conquering the world and owning the heavens? Are you still rolling in your fantasies of owning all the fields and ruling over the birds in the air? Wake up and look at yourself. Yawn, you with the mouth like a new wound and a tongue tender like the young loins of a diseased calf. Look at your arms, thinner than the oars of a fatigued fishing dhow. Tell me, dreamer, you with a faith thinner than unleavened bread, how do you expect to carry the world when you can’t even bear your own weight? You are like that cat that runs away from large mice, which will always be mocked by squirrels. Why don’t you teeth first before you crave meat? Why don’t you learn first before you teach? You cannot win me over, dreamer, for who runs alongside a man being chased by angry bees and goes home without a sting? You are quicksand, a disaster waiting to happen. You are like weed, high and mighty in the rainy season but can never survive when it starts to shine. You, like a weed grow fast and furious, but will you ever outlast a cassava? If you woke up someday maybe I would walk with you, if you stood up to your word maybe I would stand by you, but dreamer, when you preach water, remind us if it is hot or cold. It is great that you harbour dreams of changing the world, but dreamer, sweep your courtyard first then call for the rest to sweep the streets. Change yourself first before you change the world, for who will take to heart a drunkards advice on the dangers of alcohol?


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