Yes I will
I shall start a fire, yes I will. I shall start a fire so huge that rabbits and squirrels will run out their burrows. I will scorch the established grass and pluck down the ripening fruits of hatred.  I shall start a fire so huge that its crackle shall be heard from miles away, and its heat shall singe the hair on the brows of imperialists my fire shall be so huge that even their thunderous rains cannot put it out. I shall stoke it, I shall add logs of wood. It shall burn through the thick ice of racism and injustice. I shall seek the grasshoppers, the snakes and the flies, and drop them deep in the heart of red, yellow and purple. I shall weed out the Bidens and the marigold and watch while their smoke rises up in the skies. I shall choose not between the old fruits and the young. I shall burn them all. I shall pluck out the foundations lain by the fathers, foundations of pungent decay and falsehood and hurl them into the inferno. I shan’t stop till the crawling people walk, I shall not stop there till they all take to the sky. I will shout and scream till the manacles are thrown off their feet. I will shout till they are let out to soak in the sun, to squint at the horizon when it turns yellow. I shall stand for and by the farmers and make sure they harvest the fruits they planted. All musicians, bring out your lyres, all men and women, gird your loins and tie your sandals. If I was Moses I would say let my people go, but where to go should they yet they know no other home? I shall take my mattock and chip away at the mountains of inequalities and false judgement. I shall pray, I shall hope that my children will travel around the world without fear of being shot at just because they are darker in colour. I shall not run, I shall stand my ground. I will fear not the baton, I will fear not the water canons. I shall stand not in front of the judgement throne, too ashamed to lift my face, too embarrassed to look into the eyes of my brothers they shot. I shall walk, I shall run, I shall climb the mountains and traverse the valleys. To rest not I shall, till my fire burns all maladies and viruses anchored deep in the system. I shall rest not until the vast acres of unsedated injustices turn brown and barren. I shall stand watch until everything grows over again. I shall let freedom grow where slavery had once dug its roots deep. We shall celebrate not the death of slavery but the birth of freedom. I shall watch equality grow right at the foot of the charred stump of racism. We shall eat and drink not on the collapse of injustices but the rise of correct justice. I shall start that fire, and watch its tongue lick it all, I shall start that fire, not for me, but for my brothers, sisters and children. I shall carry with me the scales of justice and preside as the cloud of fear and suspicion is replaced with that of courage and optimism. BLACK LIVES MATTER.


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