Fan the flames
I know you know the reason why my hearth is so very cold, you know why my mouth smiles so warily and my eyes turn away when you look deep into them. I know you can very well hear behind my deep male voice a tiny boy begging not to be let go of, to be given a chance to make something out of nothing. I know you notice it every time my voice starts breaking when you want to give up on me, you see my hands stretching out but they never really get to you. I know you see it in my eyes how much i love you but am afraid. I know you get tired when i call you back only to let you go. The embers in my hearth are dormant. My latest experience left a rain in my house, she did put out the flames that once roared from morning to evening.
I shall not be afraid of saying i fear, love song after love song, poem after poem but still, my heart is hard as stone. Things are changing again and i am finding a reason to believe in love. My faith grows one step at a time, one bit in a day. The ashes are again becoming warm but my dear, it will take time. It will be long before i can give my all. It will be quite a while before my heart becomes unbroken and the fog clears from the air and i can see again. I shall try, i promise. I shall push myself to the limit. I shall try to feel your words when you say and attach meaning to every touch and caress. Fan the flames for me love. Fan the flames you are re-igniting and i promise i shall roar into a big inferno. Sit by and watch as i consume the woods of fear and doubt and turn into the man you see in me. Teach me not to fear, hold my hand as i walk through the maze that is distorted feelings and like a child, reassure me i will never be broken. Convince me that you are there to stay and i shall walk in blind and unbridled. I shall let go of all that is holding me back and fall, if only you promise to catch me before i hit the ground. Fan the flames for me, love and i promise, the past shall be the past and my eyes shall be in the future and no place else.  You are my future. Fan the flames for me.


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