Papa, lie to me
Papa, what happened to mama’s eye? Why is it swollen? Why is she limping as she walks? Is it due to the heavy bundles of firewood she ferries from the forest or the litres of water she carries on her back ten times a day? Why are her hands twisted and fingers bruised? Is it because she spends three times a day clutching the cooking stick? Is it because she knocks at the doors of drinking places looking for you?
Why does mama walk around with tattered clothes? Why is her face creased and her lips chapped? Is it because the December sun is too tough on her? What happened to the smile on her lips when i was still young? Is it that your sense of humour has been crippled? Papa, mama rids her nose of mucus with the hem of her old skirts. She walks barefoot and her hair, it looks like the nest of a bird. I hear her crying softly every night after you beat her for serving you a cold dish. I once caught her weeping but she sent me out, telling me dust would get into my eyes like it did to hers.
Tell me anything papa, lie to me. But don’t tell me you beat my mother last night. Don’t tell me you’ve left her on her own to go lounge in another woman’s arms. Every day you break our hearts, every time she hears your footsteps she cringes in fear. Lie to me that you went to the other house you were going to get her a second hand dress. Lie to me that you beat her because you don’t know how to say ‘i love you’. Lie to me, papa, that tomorrow you won’t let her alone, that tomorrow you’ll go to the town and get her a new dress and head scarf. Tell me she won’t be walking around like a mourning widow. Lie to me that you shall quit the brewer’s den and focus on the woman you forgot. Lie to me that your mind and heart shall come back to her, that you shall again crown your queen. Take me into your arms and tell me, lie to me, that tomorrow will not be today reborn but a yesterday dead and buried. Papa, lie to me.

*For those who have known a hard and abusive childhood. Lies are what you need when the truth is too heavy to bear.
Inspired by Neilife- my dad is a liar


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