I have seen thy lips and they are folding into a kiss. The rooster has crowed thrice. It is thy night, come and perform thy deed, come and betray the son of a woman. Come and sell him out. Come up and pick what is yours, the thirty pieces of silver. Ready your kiss, Judas, and hand over the son of man. Ready thy tongue with words, to bind the son of man to a tree. Light a fire with thy tongue, so the son of man can be scorched, burnt and forgotten. I want to see his mother cry, and I wasn’t to see his father weep. I want to see sorrow, on the face of his brothers, she that loved him, and they that sang after him. I want to see the faces of men turned away, as they share in the pain of he that you accused. I can see you pointing fingers, and I can hear your sleazy whispers, but where art thou?  Where is thy face, Judas? Why hidest thou in the dark? Why do you snuff out thine light? Why do you remove your shoes? This place is not holy. It reeks of sin. It smells of what you have done. It reeks of death, it reeks of betrayal and it reeks of guilt. You have a memory so short, and a heart that forgets too fast. Was it not you who the master praised? Was it not you that the master sang of? It was thee that was beloved, it was thee, that all called favoured, but you have turned to dust, you have turned to scum. All who once were in love with thee look at you with disdain. All of them that believed in you see you as refuse. You are a smut in front of the eyes of common men, and in front of nobles you are not more than a dog. Where is thy praise? Where is thy fancy robe? Where is thy great ambition? You are nothing, Judas, you are but a stone that was plucked from a wall and thrown at an enemy. You are nothing but dust that once roamed the earth. You shall be remembered not as a man but as a traitor. Oh Judas, thy name shall be associated with shame, and thy children shall be called the descendants of a dog. Cursed is he, who shall allow you into their house, and cursed is he who shall bury your body.


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