
Showing posts from December, 2017
Judas I have seen thy lips and they are folding into a kiss. The rooster has crowed thrice. It is thy night, come and perform thy deed, come and betray the son of a woman. Come and sell him out. Come up and pick what is yours, the thirty pieces of silver. Ready your kiss, Judas, and hand over the son of man. Ready thy tongue with words, to bind the son of man to a tree. Light a fire with thy tongue, so the son of man can be scorched, burnt and forgotten. I want to see his mother cry, and I wasn’t to see his father weep. I want to see sorrow, on the face of his brothers, she that loved him, and they that sang after him. I want to see the faces of men turned away, as they share in the pain of he that you accused. I can see you pointing fingers, and I can hear your sleazy whispers, but where art thou?  Where is thy face, Judas? Why hidest thou in the dark? Why do you snuff out thine light? Why do you remove your shoes? This place is not holy. It reeks of sin. It smells of what you have d
I have warned you Lament not when the time comes. Cry not out, for I have warned you before, and I have told you that this is going to hurt. You are falling hard upon a rock just like a nail falls to a hammer, or a moth to a glowing flame. You have dragged yourself to a land dry and barren. You have allowed yourself to stand on quick sand. The sun shines not on this side, and for centuries not a drop of rain has found its way here. It is a land of darkness and gloom, an infested marshland, a zone of war. You are walking to the land of the dead. Run while you still can, while you still have life in you. Save yourself and save your soul. Love, I am only a zombie, and in my soul I have ghosts of the past that was and never. I am not made for love. I am not made for you. Look at yourself, a creature of silk, and look at me, I am made of mud and sticks. You are made of gold and silver, but I’m fashioned from rags and stones. You know not how much I crave to hold you, but oh, you are too br