If thou must judge
If one day you wake up, and thy hands are of the feel to pick a stone and cast, take a look within thyself, and search deep inside your soul. If thou art without sin, then cast the first. If ever you itch to point your finger at one accused, and pronounce them guilty in front of the mob, look into your closet and pick out the bones. Sweep thy doorstep before you call another’s backyard filthy. If your tongue scorches with words harsh to say, and your lips overflow with sayings to scathe, then look deep within yourself and find the bubbling pot, and put out the fire that makes it simmer. Be not of hurry to curse, for it is better to bless than to rebuke. It is better to give that to purge, to offer than to grab. Look inside the deep fog that makes its nest inside your heart, and the darkness that lurks where light cannot arrive, and know not to condemn others. So if thou must judge, look within thyself and pluck the log you harbour within thee, and then condemn the splinter in your victims’. Bu still, if it is to you, that thou must judge, then let it be soft and tender. Be not harsh of words and deed. Let not your victims hear you sharpen your knives as you plot how and when you shall put their hearts on trial. If thou must judge, be not so fast to tear down what is yet to be fully built, for thy house too once was rubble. Slay not the baby for not walking properly, teach it instead. Blame not the blind for not seeing their flaws, show them instead. Let not your legs tarry in wait for a place to point thy finger. Let not your eyes laze in wait for a place just so thy tongue can wag. If thou must judge, then lay yourself open for judgement. If thou must point fingers, then sit in wait for fingers to be pointed at you. If thou are of the thought to cast stones, then sit in wait for stones to be hurled your way, for it is said that the measure you mete out will be meted to you.


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