I loved a girl
When I first saw her she had daffodils in one hand, skipping after a butterfly and urging it to go drink, of the nectar in her hands. She saw my eyes staring so she came to where I stood, waiting to say. I told her that she was an angel. She laughed but said not a word. I pushed further, and called her a queen, and she asked, of whose kingdom? I told her that she was a goddess, but she believed not in deities. I said she was an enigma, and she shook her head, scorching me with her bewitching laughter. She ran off and I skipped after her, my lips itching with good words to say. I convinced myself that if I gave her my all she would allow me perchance an inch of her heart, but her lock knew no key. I scratched her back, but when it was my turn, she stuck a dagger inside me. My curse she was; and the beginning of my end. The day I showed her my ring, she told me that love was just a game, and one had to lose, another to win, and so she left me on my knees, begging for her to stay. I told her, that I dreamt of forever with her, but she said that she was only of a short while, not long. I told her that I would give my life up for hers, but she told me that she already was dead inside. So I loved a girl, but then she said to me that she was better off alone, in her castle of cracked glass and collapsing walls, and I became bitter, and fed her of words illicit, and starved her of my presence I thought so hallowed. It took not long for her to leave, when my words cut deep like a knife. She took not long to walk away, when my body got rigid as stone. And so late summer, I took daffodils to her rocking bed, where her eyes lay closing, dead to the world, and her vain beauty. I could not let her be, so I took my time, and drunk of the bottle in her pocket. I whispered into her ear, that she was my angel, and it did not matter that she could hear me not. I kissed her lips of ash then split the flower in two, lay by her side and took her hand in mine, and waited for death to take me where it took her.


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