
Showing posts from September, 2017
If thou must judge If one day you wake up, and thy hands are of the feel to pick a stone and cast, take a look within thyself, and search deep inside your soul. If thou art without sin, then cast the first. If ever you itch to point your finger at one accused, and pronounce them guilty in front of the mob, look into your closet and pick out the bones. Sweep thy doorstep before you call another’s backyard filthy. If your tongue scorches with words harsh to say, and your lips overflow with sayings to scathe, then look deep within yourself and find the bubbling pot, and put out the fire that makes it simmer. Be not of hurry to curse, for it is better to bless than to rebuke. It is better to give that to purge, to offer than to grab. Look inside the deep fog that makes its nest inside your heart, and the darkness that lurks where light cannot arrive, and know not to condemn others. So if thou must judge, look within thyself and pluck the log you harbour within thee, and then condemn the s
I loved a girl When I first saw her she had daffodils in one hand, skipping after a butterfly and urging it to go drink, of the nectar in her hands. She saw my eyes staring so she came to where I stood, waiting to say. I told her that she was an angel. She laughed but said not a word. I pushed further, and called her a queen, and she asked, of whose kingdom? I told her that she was a goddess, but she believed not in deities. I said she was an enigma, and she shook her head, scorching me with her bewitching laughter. She ran off and I skipped after her, my lips itching with good words to say. I convinced myself that if I gave her my all she would allow me perchance an inch of her heart, but her lock knew no key. I scratched her back, but when it was my turn, she stuck a dagger inside me. My curse she was; and the beginning of my end. The day I showed her my ring, she told me that love was just a game, and one had to lose, another to win, and so she left me on my knees, begging for her