
Showing posts from July, 2019
Crushing emptiness I am friends with a crushing emptiness that sends venom from my limbs and all through my body, paralyzing me. I want to move, but my legs rebel. I want to look ahead, but my eyes are misty with tears. I am a lonely man today, feeding myself off lies and half-truths, trying to make sense of the unfortunate episodes that nature forced on me. Given the chance I would not have chosen this curse, but sadly, it is the curse that chose me, and it has followed me ever since, like a kind friend, like a shark a bleeding man. I have run and cut corners, but this pain demands to be heard. It has taken my heart, it has imprisoned my body, and all I have left now is my hoarse voice, and even that is not loud enough. Call her back. Maybe she is the antidote. She is the one who bit me in the first place; maybe knowledge of her poison would give me hope. Maybe I will take comfort in the sight of her shadow. I believe in her, like a benevolent god. I guess my heart never learns. I gue