Lovers in the Night

Let us not live in the world of lies where questions are asked in the heat of the moment and answers given in the hours of drunkenness. Let us not be in a hurry to look at each other when bullets are flying left, right and centre, when we are all clouded by fear and false bravado. Let us not cross the line that is drawn between us, the line that separates the sane from the rest of us. We are but lovers in the night, touching around to feel our way, running into obstacles in an attempt to outrun each other. We are but a people running after nothing but ourselves. We are meant to be but strangers with miles between us in this giant bed of life. We are nothing but naked men and women chasing after lust, after satisfaction that will keep us on our toes for a minute and fill us with guilt the next. We are but a people glowing in the aftermath of our sin, afraid of where we have come from, afraid of where we are going, chasing after our very own tails like demented dogs.
We are lovers in the night, in love with nothing but ourselves, in love with the circumstances of our existence, in love with hate. We are nothing but a people who never learn, moving from one hurt to the next, from infinity to infinity, spurred on by boiling blood and minds afraid to think. There is no future for a people like us. Right now is enough, and we can do right now over and over again till we fall dead, till we collapse on each other, till the demons in us are temporarily exorcised. So let us not lie to each other about the truth that something can come out of it. Let us not convince ourselves that the spark will turn into a roaring fire, for we all know that there is no gasoline enough to arouse the cold inside of us. We both know that there isn’t enough light to break the darkness in two. Let us not lie that we will keep each other safe, for we are lovers in the night, at the mercy of vultures and thieves, at the mercy of the faint moon and the shy stars, at the mercy of the temporary blindness of our times. We are nothing but lovers in a thick and unforgiving night.
J.P. Simiyu©


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